Sunday, September 11, 2011

Visual Rhetoric, Pt. 2

This past week we spent some more time in class discussing visual rhetoric. This is obviously very fitting considering the fact that our first paper is on visual rhetoric, more specifically the rhetorical devices companies use in advertisements to persuade their targeted audience to buy or support their products. We discussed articles that we had read in our books in groups and then presented our thoughts to the class. This type of discussion/presentation oftentimes helps me to understand a certain work a lot better because I tend to not think about a lot of things other people catch on to. It is the whole looking at things with a different perspective that sometimes can get me, and when I listen to what others think about what we are discussing it helps me learn a lot more about whatever we are talking about. Not only that but peer editing (like we did for our thesis statements) helps me too because I usually do not like going over my writing right after I've written it, so when we do things like that in class it makes it so much easier to get help with my papers and things like that.

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