Monday, September 12, 2011

A Picture to Define a Generation

Picking this picture to define our generation may and will come across as cliché and way over done, however I think it really does speak about our age group. A lot of the time, whether we like to admit it or not, the first thing many of us do when we get on our computer after class (and even in class) is log on and check our Facebook page. It isn't just that we as a whole spend a generous amount of time on this site randomly going through pages and liking things, but we also learn a lot of things about the world around us just by scrolling down our newsfeed. I know I hear a lot about what is going on, at least most of the major news worthy events, via twitter or people's facebook statuses. While that may not be the most reliable source, I know I'm not the only one who finds things out that way. We as a generation are starting to rely less and less on watching the news and reading the paper when we get usually get the gist just by scrolling down a twitter feed. Which leads me to my next point about this picture, it isn't just meant to represent solely facebook, but the many ways people now a days use to network with others. People use blogs (such as these or tumblr) to communicate with each other about their days or to comment on happenings in society. Others use photo sharing sites like Picasa or Snapfish to update others on their lives via pictures. Take the Facebook page for this class for example, not only are we using Facebook to connect and communicate with other people, but we are using it as a forum to get help with something in class. Anyway you look at it, our generation has changed and molded to incorporate social networking sites into the many facets of our lives. 

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