Sunday, September 18, 2011

Styling Speaks Louder than Words

Many people, girls especially, tend to have a distinct style in how they dress.
There's Preppy:              


And a vast array of other styles. There are a lot of people that I know that generally adhere to one style of dress no matter what the occasion. So even though it's Prom, you can still tell their style is preppy by the kind of dress they get and how they accessorize. I however, don't really see myself as a one style kind of girl. I buy my clothes from a lot of different places, and not just one. Some of my friends refuse to shop anywhere else besides Forever 21 or Urban Outfitters, while I find something I like and get it. I think this shows that I'm a go with the flow type of person. I wear shorts and a t-shirt to class the majority of the time, but when I go out to a nice dinner with my family or just out with my friends I wear nicer clothes. I'm a pretty flexible person and I think that shows through what I wear. Not that I'm saying that only dressing one way means a person is uptight and rigid, but sometimes people are less willing to branch out with their clothing, and if they're less willing to branch out with that what else might they be less willing to do? I think that you can tell a lot about a person by the way that they dress, but at the same time I don't think a person can base their judgement of another person just by what they are wearing. Not all people who dress preppy are uptight snobs, just like not all people who dress goth are mean and scary.

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