Thursday, November 3, 2011

Going Against Stereotypes

My name is Nessa and I'm an 18 year old living in Ireland!

I play on the field hockey team here, and am quite
good. I'm hoping to play at university. Although I enjoy field hockey, my favorite sport to watch is men's football.

Like I said, I'm from Ireland, Dublin to be more exact.

I can speak and understand Gaelic, but I speak English for the most part, especially because I travel around the UK often.

I eat a lot of normal food, but one thing I absolutely love for my mum to make is Nettle soup, absolutely delicious!

My parents are from Galway, and I lived there for a short time, but then moved to Dublin when I grew older. Galway is said to be the cultural capital of Ireland, and I love visiting.

Obviously I LOVE The Script because they were born here in Dublin, I've seen them play a few times. They are amazing! And even though they were founded in Northern Ireland, I still like Snow Patrol.

Over the summer my family and I often times go to England, and spend time in Brighton and London. Both beautiful cities!

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn - Nice blog post, I love all the places your character lives and visits and I can easily relate to your character. I've actually been to both London and Brighton and they are absolutely beautiful, especially Brighton's beaches in your picture. I also had no idea that The Script and Snow Patrol originated in Ireland. Well done!
