Sunday, August 28, 2011

Review and Déjà vu

Walking into a college level English class on the first day was some what nerve racking. I've never been that confident in the subject, and although I know in the long run taking 103 will help, I was dreading it. I had taken AP Language and Composition in high school, so I wasn't completely new to the expectations of a college level class. However, the first thing we talked about was "rhetoric" and although I couldn't remember the meaning off the top of my head, this was a topic we had spent many a classes on in AP Lang. After doing the reading assignment, I came to the conclusion that this was a review of what I had been taught in AP. Even though it wasn't the exact same, I still had some confidence (which is new for me in an English class). Not only that, but the part in our text book that refers to body image and self-esteem was almost some of the exact same things my teacher had taught my class about right before I graduated. I really enjoyed my AP Lang class so I'm excited to see what this semester will bring.